Rehabilitative Exercise

Rehabilitative Therapy in McKinney TX

What is Rehabilitation Therapy?

Rehabilitative exercise therapy is a type of therapy that aims to restore the use of a skill or function that was lost often due to injury, disease, or trauma or to protect the body from possible future injury by strengthening the muscles, joints, and bones in their present state. Sometimes, this can look like training the body through exercise in order to regain function, however, other times, rehabilitative therapy aims to teach a new manner of completing a task that may be better suited to one’s condition. Rehab exercise aims to help patients achieve as high of a level of independence as possible in all areas of their lives in the shortest amount of time and to help strengthen the body’s system to prevent future injury. 

Rehab Exercise Results

Rehabilitative exercises have been shown to improve shoulder, neck, and lower back pain, many of which are related to each other. Because many of these muscle groups are connected and these systems intertwined, it is useful to use rehabilitative exercises that target both the neck and back. Many of these exercises can be done in the comfort of your own home after instruction and can help to strengthen the muscles and joints in these systems. Rehab exercise may also aid clients in weight loss, helping to remove strain on tendons and joints as muscle is being built. Exercises can include balance and strength training, aerobic conditioning, and range of motion or progressive resistance exercises and, when done safely and correctly, have been shown to not just strengthen muscle systems and improve mobility after injury, but also to improve symptoms of chronic pain. 


Each type of tissue in the body takes its own amount of time to regain strength and return to full function, but generally, it will take anywhere from two to eight weeks to see results after beginning physical therapy. Muscles, tendons, bone structure, and mobility can all be improved by these exercises and usually, muscle tissue repairs the fastest, taking between two to four weeks of rehab exercises to see results, followed by tendons at four to six weeks, and bones at six to eight weeks, but keep in mind that these timeframes can vary. 

Overall Recovery

Ultimately, it’s important to remember that every body is different and the rates of growth and repair vary between individual situations, so don’t get discouraged if you aren’t seeing progress as quickly as you are hoping! Our staff is thoroughly trained and well-equipped to help you achieve your rehabilitative exercise goals, weight loss goals, strengthening goals, and we will do everything in our power to help you succeed. Don’t wait until your mobility is diminished and trauma has already occurred to come see us, we encourage preventative care as well! Call or visit our office today to schedule an appointment and ensure that your recovery and overall health goals are being prioritized!

Rehabilitative Excercise Therapy for Lower Back Painin Mckinney, TX

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