3 Stretches for Sciatica Pain Relief That Work!

Sciatica pain can make one feel like not leaving the couch. The pain is caused by injuries but can also be caused by a ruptured disk. There are other causes. In most cases, the pain affects the hips and lower back. 

One of the best ways to alleviate the pain is through stretching. This is according to Dr. Joshua Davis who is a certified specialist in this field. A stretch that can rotate the hip can help alleviate the pain. In this article, we discuss some of these stretches. We will discuss how to go about each practice. 

Sitting Pigeon Pose 

The pigeon pose is common to those who love yoga. There are several techniques for the pose. One of the most common is the sitting pigeon pose. This is how to go about it.

  • Find a mat and sit on the floor. Stretch your legs straight.
  • Put your right ankle on top of your left knee as your right leg is bent. 
  • Make your upper body go toward your thigh by leaning forward. 
  • Make sure to hold this position for up to 30 seconds at most. The exercise stretches your lower back as well as the glutes. 
  • Do the same for the other side. 

Reclining Pigeon Pose 

  • Lie on your back and bring your left leg to a 90-degree position. Clasp your hands behind your thigh. Your fingers should be locked. 
  • Lift your right leg and place the left ankle on top of your right knee.
  • Hold this position for about 15 seconds. Holding the position helps stretch inflamed muscles. 
  • Repeat the procedure with your right leg. 
  • This stretch is normally the easiest. If you complete it without trouble, then ask your therapist if you should try the other poses. 

Forward Pigeon Pose 

  • Kneel and touch the ground with both your hands 
  • Pick your left leg and move it forward. Make sure your lower leg is on the ground. It should be horizontal to your body. The left foot should be in front of the left knee. The left knee should stay on the left. 
  • Stretch your right leg while the top of your foot (right) is on the ground and your toes point at your back. 
  • Allow your legs to support your weight gradually instead of your arms. Sit with your hands on the left side of the legs.  
  • A deep breath will be required in this stage. Lean your body forward over the front of your leg while you exhale. Make sure to support your weight with your arms. 
  • Do the same on the other side. 

Sitting Spinal Stretch 

  • Sit on the ground and stretch your legs straight. Your feet should be facing upwards.
  • Bend your left knee and then place your foot on the floor, flat. The foot should be outside the knee of your right leg. 

Visit our Sciatica Pain Specialist in McKinney, Texas. Call, Click or Visit. 972-330-4644

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